Open Letter To The Space People.

June 21, 1995.

Here is a letter I found from a person who was trying to make a request to the space people. Let's hope they will see this. These are not my words but they are sent by another person.................................


Having studied your program for helping Earth People for 45 years, I am aware of many things. I am sending this appeal via a dozen or more investigators and publications I know internationally, hoping that a concerted effort by these people will prompt some kind of rsponse from you to help us further. We appreciate what you have already done to prevent nuclear war and to make contact through mental and spiritual communications with hundreds of channels. But it is not persuading our "shadow" govenments to allow this information in the public media. Your frequent warning of what we are doing to our own planet also is not being heard by the public.

In Egypt (Biblical book of Exodus, chapter 3, verses 1 through 10) it is indicated that I have heard their cry (the children of Israel) and seen their oppression. Come now (Moses), I will send thee to bring forth my people out of Egypt." And forty years later they went... It has been more than forty years now since you began your public demonstration of power and kindness. And yet we languish under the oppression of this "shadow govenment". Help us, we pray!

Let us try a different strategy, which may be more in conformity with the way Earth People experience real change!

Let me suggest that you pick up a few dozen of our people who are known world wide for their investigations in these phenomena, and let them decide (aboard your ships) which of these methods might confound our shadow govenments, which are not living in harmony with the Universal Law anyway!

Take these people to varius places where their names and voices are known. With your advanced technology have these people talk over a loudspeaker as you are hovering over the White House, the Pentagon, The New York Times editorial offices, and similar well-known places in other large cities world-wide. We know you are capable of sending messages
into telephone and television equipment with or without individual sets of people on the ground being turned on. It would be almost impossible for this demonstration to be labeled a hoax if the know voices and pictures of these people were shown on thousands of telphones and TV screens at one time. And as fast as you travel, the same thing could be done a thousand miles away within a few minutes.

Even sincere UFO investigatoras are questioning whether they are right or not, by the occasional releaser of information about advanced Earth technology at places like Groom Lake (area 51) in Nevada where UFOs, airplanes, helicopters are seen coming and going by a growing number of people. The government's denial that there is such a place just doesn't mean anything anymore.

Hear us, we pray. Do you really see our oppression? Will you help,in some method that Earth Man can no longer deny?
Rev. Milton Northruft of P V,A

JW Well now we have put it out there. We'll see if the space people will take the hint.

Source Of Information: ASCENDING TIMES / P.O. BOX 989 / JACKSON, LA 70748.

Remember: The art of being a good guest is knowing when to leave.

John Winston.

Original file name: 95.06.21 Open Letter/Space